Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Alpage

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


Alpage is in charge of the prestigious cursus of Computational Linguistics of Paris 7, historically the first cursus in France in this domain. This cursus, which starts in License 3 and includes a Master 2 (research) and a professional Master 2, is directed by Laurence Danlos. Marie Candito is in charge of the License 3, and Laurence Danlos is in charge of both Master 2. All faculty members of Alpage are strongly involved in this cursus, but some Inria members also participate in teaching and supervizing internships. Unless otherwise specified, all teaching done by Alpage members belong to this cursus. Teaching by associate members in other universities are not indicated.

Laurence Danlos (INRIA partial delegation): Introduction to NLP (3rd year of License, 28h); Discourse, NLU and NLG (2nd year of Master, 28h).

Marie Candito (half-delegation since September 2011): Information retrieval (2nd year of professional Master, 12h); Clustering and Classification (2nd year of professional Master, 12h); Probabilistic methods for Natural language processing (1st year of Master, 48h); Machine translation (1st year of Master, 48h); Probabilities and statistics for Natural language processing (3rd year of Licence, 24h);

Benoît Crabbé (INRIA delegation until August 2010): Language data analysis (24h Master 2 P7) ; Logical and Computational structures for language modelling (12h Master 2 MPRI) with S. Schmitz. Introduction to computer science (24h L3 P7); Introduction to Corpus Linguistics (24h L3 P7);

Benoît Sagot: Parsing systems (2nd year of Master, 24h). Introduction to NLP (3rd year of License in Computer Science, 24h).

Pascal Denis: Computational Semantics (2nd year of Master, 24h).

Charlotte Roze: Introduction to Programming (3rd year of License, 24h); Algorithmics (3rd year of License, 24h).

Juliette Thuilier: Syntactic theories : Lexical-Functional Grammar (3rd year of Licence, 48h); Introduction to syntax (2nd year of License, 24h) at University Paris Sorbonne; Implementation of LFG Grammar (2nd year of License, 12h) at University Paris Sorbonne;

Pierre Magistry: Object Oriented Programming, Java-II (3rd year of licence, 12/24h) ; Syntax : HPSG with LKB (1st year Master, 24h)

Luc Boruta: Introduction to Programming II (3rd year of License, 24h); Algorithmics (3rd year of License, 24h); Language & Computer Science (1st year of License, 12h);

François-Régis Chaumartin: Modélisation (UML) et bases de données (SQL) (2rd year of professional Master, 24h).

Djamé Seddah (half-delegation since September 2011): as an Assistant Professor in CS in the University Paris 4 Sorbonne, member of the UFR ISHA, mainly teaches “Generic Programming and groupware”, “Distributed Application and Object Programming”, “Syntaxic tools and text Processing for NLP”, “Machine Translation Seminars” in both years of the Master “Ingénierie de la Langue pour la Gestion Intelligente de l'Information”. Djamé Seddah is also the “Directeur des études” of a CS transversal module for the Sorbonne's undergraduate students (ie “Certificat Informatique et Internet”).

Ongoing PhDs and PhDs defended in 2011:

  • PhDs in progress:

    • Luc Boruta, Indicators of Allophony and Phonemehood, started in September 2009, co-supervized by Emmanuel Dupoux (LSCP/ENS) and Benoît Crabbé

    • Chloé Braud, Développement d'un système complet d'analyse automatique du discours à partir de corpus annotés, bruts et bruités, started in September 2011, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Pascal Denis

    • François-Régis Chaumartin, Extraction automatisée de connaissances d'une encyclopédie, started in October 2005, supervized by Sylvain Kahane

    • Valérie Hanoka, Construction semi-automatique de réseaux lexicaux spécialisés multilingues, started in January 2011, supervized by Laurence Danlos, co-supervized by Benoît Sagot

    • Enrique Henestroza Anguiano, Enhancing statistical parsing with lexical resources, started in November 2009, supervized by Laurence Danlos and co-supervized by Marie Candito and Alexis Nasr.

    • Emmanuel Lassalle, Résolution automatique des anaphores associatives, started in September 2010, supervised by Laurence Danlos and co-supervized by Pascal Denis

    • Pierre Magistry, Construction (semi)-automatique de lexiques dynamiques du mandarin, started in September 2010, supervized by Sylvain Kahane and co-supervized by Benoît Sagot and Marie-Claude Paris

    • Charlotte Roze, Vers une algèbre des relations de discours, started in October 2009, supervized by Laurence Danlos

    • Rosa Stern, Construction d'une base de référence pour les métadonnées de dépêches d'agence: reconnaisance et résolution jointes d'entités avec adaptation au domaine, started in November 2009, supervized by Laurence Danlos and co-supervized by Benoît Sagot

    • Juliette Thuilier, Contraintes préférentielles et ordre des mots en français, started in September 2008, supervized by Laurence Danlos and co-supervized by Benoît Crabbé